by chrisvh | Feb 19, 2016 | News
Backyard Farm Chef’s Table is looking for service staff this upcoming season! We anticipate hiring one full time primary server, in addition to part time opportunities and on-call service needs. Higher than industry standard hourly wages are based on experience,...
by chrisvh | Jan 20, 2016 | News
What a great way to begin the turn from winter to spring… We have partnered with Okanagan Experiential Tourism to host an event paying tribute to the outstanding wines of Fairview Cellars. Our limited seating of 20 guests will include Bill Eggert, the...
by chrisvh | Dec 22, 2015 | News
Well yet another wonderful season is winding to a close in our wonderful region of food and wine culture. It has been a busy one, and December has been full of opportunity to enjoy some holiday spirit with many of our returning guests, and a few who joined us for...
by chrisvh | Sep 26, 2015 | News
Thanks to Joanne for capturing the magic of an evening at Backyard Farm. Thrilled to have such a wonderful story to represent our humble business and efforts in creating our dream……...
by chrisvh | Sep 24, 2015 | News
Check out this link from a film shoot earlier this season from the crew behind Salt, Fresh and Field. We are honoured and privileged to have our story told by such a great group of people! Thanks so much to Chad Brealy and Mary for capturing the story behind our...
by chrisvh | Sep 21, 2015 | News
The time has come to welcome another grape harvest season and upcoming wine festival in the South Okanagan. What a season it has been so far, it would be an understatement to claim it went by quickly! We have just finished harvesting the last of our...